

Happy Birthday, Little D!

Today my son turned 12.

It’s pretty daunting to think of having a 12-year-old, although this one is still very much a little boy at heart.

I love how he dotes on his little sister and how his eyes well up when he’s upset and how he still gives me a morning hug when he wakes up.

I love that he doesn’t mind hanging out with his parents and how excited he gets when he wants to tell us about a recent event.

I love his competitive spirit and his tender heart and how I can imagine what my husband was like as a little boy when I look at my son.

Sometimes at the oddest moments, I get a glimpse of the little boy that I once knew, and my heart breaks just a little at those days lost forever.

He’s on the brink of adolescence, and yet somehow I know that it’s going to be okay. I’m looking forward to the teenage years and seeing the young man he’s going to become.

I like how he gets my humor and that we share the same taste in music and I treasure that delicate camaraderie that exists between mothers and sons. I pray that we never lose our bond, even as he spreads his wings and one day ventures into a life of his own.

I’m proud of you, baby. Happy Birthday, Little D!

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5 Responses

  1. Happy Birthday to your 12 year old! Can you tell me how to look forward to the teen years? I’m dreading it already and still have 3 more years to go.

    PS: My oldest had that same “Diving Dave’s” shirt and I think the same haircut too.

  2. Happy Birthday! I have a 12 year old in the house too and am loving every minute. I see you got him a phone! He sounds like the kind of kid you can absolutely trust 🙂

  3. Wow, 12. Mine just turned 2 and I feel like it’s going so damn fast. I’m going to wake up tomorrow, celebrating his 12th birthday and wondering where the time went.

  4. 12 is a good age. Enjoy every day! Yes, in-between, and you captured it well. Love your insight into this relationship and your memories are precious. So good to get them down in print so you will never forget them. He is going to make you very proud of the man he becomes.

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